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Marriott Hotel City West
Munich, Germany
December 11-13, 2024

M Kamrul Islam

Executive Director, Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh


Group Captain M Kamrul Islam, PhD is serving for the last 03 years as the Executive Director at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA), the largest airport in Bangladesh. He represents the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB). A Bangladesh Air Force Officer from Avionics Engineering background, he is serving on deputation for the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh. With the support of Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism and Chairman and his team of CAAB, he is leading the management, operations, business, and co-ordination among all stakeholders of the airport. In his time, the HSIA has handled the highest number of passengers i.e. 12 million in 2023, surpassing the existing capacity of 08 million and also contributed the highest revenue. He has made significant contribution in improving the KPI’s of HSIA. He also actively contributed for the Terminal-3 ORAT and PPP policy, which is likely to be in operation in 2025. Kamrul holds a PhD in Communications and Information Systems. He also has earned Masters from Air University, Alabama, USA. He is also an adjunct faculty of Bangladesh Aerospace University.
